Visual Diagram By Angela Ranallo (adapted from Johnella Bird) I am providing a visual diagram of the ways that I work, for people who, like me, may benefit from visuals to help in the understanding. Looking at the diagram, you will notice that there is a particular starting point. The reason for starting with children and young people's strengths is to begin fostering a sense of hope and confidence about tackling a problem. This is a framework that 'directs attention' to present- but- unexplored areas of the child/young person's life to obtain a much richer description of the child and young person, rather than having the problematic stories draw full attention. Problems have a way of having an effect on many areas of the child/young person's life and relationships: at school - possibly with teacher/s and peers; at home - with parent/s, carers, brothers/sisters etc. Only two areas are mentioned here, although...