Relationship with Self and Others
Who I am explore the uniqueness and meaning of experiences in being a woman explore the Self we express to the world and the Self we may (or dare) express to our self explore the relationship we as women have with our body/our sexuality The various relationships with Self and Others Exploring relationships with self mirroring relationship with others? Every relationship tells something about who we are Revising relationships & Exploring different possibilities for who we are and/or who we may be Styles of Relating Reflect on own style/s of relating What benefits might there be What pitfalls might there be How does it feel physically? How does it feel emotionally? What are some family, cultural social beliefs and messages about how to be in relationships? Blocks that can potentially get in the way of preferred relationships with Self and Others Examples: Perfectionism Anger Self Esteem Shame Other? If you wish to know more, please contact Angela Ranallo...